Now I make sure each and every workout is done
exactly as it was designed and I don’t miss a single one, because I only have
23 weeks left! I knew the weeks would fly by, and they are doing that, but I
feel so rushed—I get up, work out, prep for work, work all day, drive home and
go to bed. Lately I’ve been eating a little something before I hit the sack,
but other than that, my day is pretty packed. A part of me is wondering how
long this will go on before I need some kind of release; something completely
different in me is feeling like I won’t have time to feel like that because in
the blink of an eye it’s mid-July and I’m putting together the logistics of my
trip to Colorado. Ahhhhhh!!!
Deep breath.
Yesterday I
wasn’t able to keep my heart rate in zone two on the bike. I had a two-hour
session scheduled on the trainer in the basement, but after a half hour of
painful boredom, I decided I’d wait until the temperature outside warmed up and
I’d finish up on the roads. I got all bundled up and rode just over 90 minutes
outside, and it felt amazing! After a winter pent up indoors and lots of time
on the trainer in the basement, it felt refreshing, motivating and liberating
to get out and ride on roads. It was cold, sure, but it still felt fantastic.
Base one starts this week. Hours and hours of
low intensity work await. Let’s make some progress.
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