Wednesday, February 19, 2014

25 weeks away

This post should have been written last week. But…I really don’t have extra time to write blog posts during the week, and last weekend was really short due to work that ended up coming home with me from my day job. I’ll let my readers ponder the effects this training is having on my personal life.

In the meantime, guess who’s making strides in the right direction? Yep, Lois is definitely taking advantage of the earlier mornings to get her own workouts in, and I can attest to her improvement. She’s never been a real runner, but the other day I saw her RUN on the treadmill beside me while I rode the bike, and she kept running way longer than I thought she would. It just goes to show she hasn’t just been sleeping in the whole time I’m at the gym every morning. What a trooper!

1 comment:

  1. That is great for both of you. Working out; going through the ups and downs of workouts and improving one's health together is more enjoyable than going alone. Being together can also be a great motivator. Keep it up!
